Celebrate 10th Birthday, Obake Will Degree Events 'OBAKEDECADE'

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Obake, the band is currently topping the list of the top bands in the Japanese community, this year will celebrate the b

irthday of the 10th. OBAKEDECADE event presented by Tawa-Tawa Entertainment will be celebrated on Saturday, December 20th, 2014 at JK7 Bar & Club (ex-Basement Café) from 16:00 pm.

In this event also featured bands other top Japanese community as XShibuya, Blodwen, and also TokyoLite. In addition to the appearance of these bands, there will also video presentation sessions and birthday celebrations Obake.

What is unique about this event is OBAKEDECADE adopt the system "you decide", aka the visitors themselves who will determine the price of admission as they please. Every visitor who comes will get merchandise special form of Kizaru-Obake 10th Anniversary rubberband. The first 50 visitors who attend will also get a CD single of Obake.

About Obake

Formed on December 18, 2004 as a cover band L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel, Obake launched their careers. Departing from their activeness in performing at local music events, especially festivals band disclaimers infinite number has become their daily meals. This makes them more robust and solid in the pursuit of their dreams.

In early 2007, Obake which in Japanese means "ghost" finally decided to enter the Japanese community in Jakarta as their haunts area. They performed a variety of songs L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel with the additional characteristic of their own music. Along their journey, they also produce their own works-alternative rock genre with a bandage element of Japanese music is very catchy at the listener's ears. Now they have a much stronger and will continue to pursue their cita2.
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